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OHS Harmonisation Laws Seminar - Brisbane

With the new harmonisation laws taking affect in the not too distant future and the angst this is causing many businesses Safety Concepts in Brisbane have organised an information session as part of their Safety Insights session with an inspector to go through the new changes and what it means for your business. They have also secured 2 other fantastic guest speakers who are experts in their field to talk about fatigue management and the legal ramifications of the new harmonisation laws.

The Safety Insights session will be held on the 13th October 2011 at the Broncos Leagues Club, Brisbane 8:30am to 11:00am.

Guest Speakers include;
- Neil Findlay – Fatigue Management, 'Managing a Post Global Financial Crisis Workforce'
- QLD Workplace Health and Safety Inspector – 'The new Harmonisation Laws'
- Jamie Robinson - The legal ramifications of the new Harmonisation Laws

For more information contact Joanne at

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Thank you for the wonderful job

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Tracey Cameron from Everything OH&S for the wonderful job she has done with regards to the development and implementation of our safety system. We contacted you and within 24 hours you had visited our office and run through the process and within 1-2 weeks it was all completed, implemented and staff had been trained.

We thank you for the fantastic job you did and the continual service you provide to our company with regards to questions we might have or changes to be made. We would highly recommend you and your company to any other businesses looking to implement the same system.

We look forward to dealing with you further in the future.

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