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Manufacturing & Industrial Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) Value Pack



Our Industrial & Manufacturing SWMS Value Pack is specifically designed for businesses operating within the industrial and manufacturing sectors. This extensive package includes 32 detailed SWMS templates covering a broad range of activities, from everyday operations like manual handling and using power tools to specialised tasks such as hot works and high voltage operations. These templates are designed to be seamlessly incorporated into your Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) management systems, offering full customisation to accurately document the specific hazards and safety measures relevant to your operations.


SWMS Included in the Bundle:

  1. Air Compressor
  2. Angle Grinder
  3. Chemicals
  4. Confined Space Entry
  5. Covid 19
  6. Drill Press
  7. Electrical Work
  8. Elevated Work Platforms (EWP)
  9. Forklift
  10. Fuel Storage, Refuelling, and Decanting
  11. General Plant
  12. Hand, Air & Power Tools
  13. Handling Hazchem
  14. Heat Gun
  15. Heavy Lifting Using Forklift, Jibs, and Slings
  16. High Voltage (De-energised)
  17. Hot Works
  18. Ladder
  19. Lathe
  20. Loading and Unloading Pallets
  21. Loading and Unloading Trucks
  22. Manual Handling
  23. Mechanical Lifting
  24. Mobile Plant
  25. Parts Washer
  26. Soldering Iron
  27. Use of Lasers
  28. Welding & Cutting
  29. Wiring
  30. Working Around Plant & Equipment
  31. Working at Heights
  32. Working with Electricity


Additional Resources:

Included with the purchase of the Industrial & Manufacturing SWMS Value Pack is a complimentary copy of our Legislation & Codes of Practice Reference List. 


Key Features:

The Industrial & Manufacturing SWMS Value Pack is an essential tool for helping to document and manage WHS procedures effectively within the industrial and manufacturing sectors. The templates are designed for quick and easy customisation, allowing businesses to adapt and modify the content to meet their specific operational needs. Equip your business with this robust package to help foster a safer working environment.

Manufacturing & Industrial Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) Value Pack